Have you ever experienced food poisoning before? If you have, then you know how horrible it is. If you haven’t, well, just be glad that you haven’t and hope that you never have to experience it.
How Food Poisoning Occurs
Food poisoning is caused by the bacteria or toxins in the food we eat1. They usually occur when bacteria contaminates food through farming/production methods or as a result of poor food preparation, handling and storage2. Food poisoning can hit at any time from the moment you eat the contaminated food (from within 24 hours or even until a few days later). The duration of the illness could last anywhere between a few hours or up to a few days. If symptoms last for more than three days, or are very severe, then it’s vital that you seek medical advice.
Symptoms of Food Poisoning
How do you know that you have food poisoning? The general symptoms are:
Recovery from Food Poisoning
So if you have food poisoning, here are some of the actions that you could take for recovery:
It’s important to be prepared for when food poisoning occurs. However, you can also take steps in preventing food poisoning from occurring. Following good hand washing procedures, good food handling procedures and keeping people with food poisoning isolated from others can help you avoid food poisoning.