When we’re dehydrated, the first drinks that come to mind to quench that thirst are water, sports drinks or soft drinks (and maybe even a beer!). However, some sports drinks and soft drinks may contain high levels of sugar which is not good for your health. So is there a solution which can help keep you hydrated? The answer is yes, and it’s through an Oral Rehydration Solution (ORS).
What is an Oral Rehydration Solution?
An ORS is a solution which contains both glucose and electrolytes. Once administered, the ORS can replenish the body’s supply of electrolytes and water to prevent dehydration1.
The World Health Organisation started using Oral Rehydration Salts as the main tool to fight diarrhoea since 1978. Since this adoption, the mortality rate of children suffering from diarrhoea has dropped from 5mn to 1.3mn2.
Why should I use an ORS?
By staying hydrated, you can help reduce the risk of gastro, circulatory and neurological disorders3. By using an ORS, you are not just treating and preventing dehydration. You are replenishing the essential body fluids and salts which may be loss through dehydration.
Dehydration occurs when fluids leave the body such as through diarrhoea or vomiting. Water is not the most effective tool in recovering from dehydration as electrolytes are not replenished. Sport drinks may also not be as effective due to their high sugar levels and lower amount of electrolytes compared to an ORS4.
Why should I use BIOLyte?
BIOLyte is a scientifically formulated ORS to help replenish lost water and electrolytes. The addition of glucose, which absorbs sodium and water, provides rapid rehydration. It also contains both Prebiotic and Zinc. The addition of these ingredients helps to limit diarrhoea duration and reduces vomiting frequency.